“Thoughts are words (audio) and images (visual). Images are colors and shapes that our mind interprets.” This is a more potent instruction than a more generic “notice thoughts”. We can get even more specific when we observe which thoughts have the power to grab our attention into a train of thought and which thoughts are associated with energy and sensation in our body. These are often from hypervigilance in our nervous system.

Bring awareness to your seat and feet is more specific than bring your attention to your body from head to toes. Offering kindness to our body is a wonderful practice and can certainly help us to see when are disconnected or our inner critic is shaming us. Passionately sending love to the waters of our body is on a different level. 

I have been profoundly moved each week doing these practices with Nukumi Selina in this special series of Wisdom Teachings. This week we focused on elements, specifically the essence of water. As I was being guided in this practice of blessing the water in my body, I appreciate the power of being specific.

Listen to the guided practice (above). This is some of what she said.

“I give thanks for this body that I am. If you will, picture the water of your body moving through your body. Just see water, waves of water moving through you, gentle waves of water just flowing through your body and that that is the water that you are.

To the waters of my body, I send you love. Feel passionate about this love that you're bringing up from within you and sending to every particle of water in your body. See waves of water through your brain, through your mind, through your eyes, down your spine. You're seeing that water movement and you say, I send you love.

Speaking the words, feeling that passionate love for yourself and let that flow through. I send passionate love, Divine love, love, joy, love filled with joy through the waters of my body.

This is the love that I am. I am this love and this love is me.

I fill myself with love overflowing to the waters within. I flow within you now.

See yourself with the waves of water that are within your body and sprinkle light into the waters with the intention to release fear that you may be holding on to. You may not even be aware of it.

Connect with the waters through your emotional body. I bring love to you and I bring light to release any fear that I may be carrying.

See light come sprinkling upon you to replace the water particles that were holding fear. Let the fear go and see water being released out through the bottoms of your feet down into the earth. Mother Earth will take that fear energy and transmute it for us. Gently let it go and send more love into your body as light particles that replace that fear that you were able to release.”

We are not meant to go through life alone. Nukumi Selina has a relationship she has nurtured with Mother Earth and her guides. Through experiencing these practices, I am coming into a deeper awareness of Earth Consciousness. On my walks, I place my hand on a sturdy rock I sit upon and send love to Mother Earth. I lean in and let a strong elder tree support me. And I am loving this practice with the waters in my body!

I’ve been lake swimming with two friends every day since mid June. Sometimes we’re in for 20 minutes if it’s cold. More often we swim for about 45 minutes. We talk a bit about our day and at some point one of us comments on the light.

Sometimes the light on the lake is deep green. Strong sunshine is a golden abundance of sparkles. Often the water looks silvery or as the sun is setting it turns dark gold or pink. Clouds in the sky change the light on the surface.

The other day it was raining and we watched as each raindrop created a little water droplet that lifted off the surface. They dropped back into the water as small white dots that lingered for awhile. We bring our full attention and we notice specifics. On this level, life is fascinating.

Our final class in this series on August 11th is to awaken the Indigenous Ancestral Memory and Wisdom in us all. Selina takes us back into Deeper Alignment for a transformational, ancient ancestral connection. Before colonization our relationship with Trees and Earth Mother was pure and strong. We journey back to a time of beauty, when love was overflowing in all. We return to this love that we bring through now, in this time we are in. Try to join us live for this experience. Details are here.


We Can Ask For Connection


We Are Not Alone