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Earth Mother Is Calling

A brief connection practice from our July 21st class.

This is a journey of the heart in restoring a deep relationship with Mother Earth guided by the Ancient Ones and Ancestor Ones, Divine Guides, and Higher Intelligences that are to lead us back into Oneness with our Heart, the Earth and All That Is.

This is a Spiritual Encounter of the Divine Intelligences of Nature including Earth Mother Herself! Let us enter the mystery of who Earth Mama is. We shall connect with the elemental ones - earth, water, fire, wind/air.

Join with me and you will be taken on an inner journey back to Oneness that will be yours to walk with on your sacred spiritual path.


The energy exchange (registration cost) for Grandmother Nukumi’s Wisdom Teachings is $22 US per session or $88 for the full 4 weeks of live class and recordings. 100% of funds received go to Nukumi Selina.

If you are in Canada, do not use the button below. Please convert to Canadian ($88US is approximately $120 CAD) and send an e-transfer to then email to let me know.

There are a limited number of subsidized spots for people who are unwaged or low income. If that is your situation, please use the Custom Amount button below.

On receipt of your registration, we will send you an email with the password to the Recordings page.

"The way I enter into sacred circle is through relationship with Nature, Earth Mother specifically, and a relationship with Great Mystery, holding space for All That Is.” Grandmother Nukumi

Nukumi Selina is a PathFinder who has come to restore an Ancient Medicine Way, honoring all life seen and unseen. This Sacred Way had been held deep in Mother Earth’s Center waiting to be restored for Healing Of Self and Earth. Earthkeeper Nukumi Selina has been called upon by Source Creator and Mother Earth to work with the Ancient Ones and Ancestor Ones helping to bring us back to the Truth Of Who We Are, One with Nature and All That Is. This is a most powerful Ancient Pathway to Spiritual Awakening and Remembrance for All That Are Ready To Receive.  

Nukumi (Grandmother) Selina is an Ancient Healer Medicine Woman from Mi’kMaqi, Nova Scotia, Canada. Her mixed Indigenous ancestral heritage brings a richly woven tapestry of Wisdom, Mystery, and Womyn’s Medicine.

“The healing has been PHENOMENAL. As a result of this deep work, I have seen and intensified connection with Spirit and a tremendous upswing in my spiritual gifts.” from a seeker

Who is Earth Mother?

Mother Earth is the center of the Sacred Hoop. What do we mean to Her? Why have we as Two-Leggeds come? We connect first with heart mind body spirit, bringing us to the Heart of the Earth. Entering into the stillness, the pathway to the heart with Mama as an initiation into Divine Harmonic Resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat. Each session is an introduction to Mother Earth.

Trees are the sentinels, gathered around as the Standing Ones, Mother’s emissaries. Trees have deep roots on a spiritual and metaphysical level. They still hold the connection with Earth in the original way. In old growth forests, the Elder Trees are much more than a rich source of oxygen. They are in direct Divine attunement with us and our Ancestors. Trees are Record Keepers. Session 2 is a meditation bringing all in and introducing us to the Forests Of Trees.

We explore the Elements through the Energy Vortexes (Chakras) Earth, Water, Fire, Wind/Air. Our elements are Mother’s elements. We are all Beings of Matter and Spirit. As we call the Earth Elementals in through connection with Spirit to transcend the denser levels of physical matter. Here we enter the realms where Water exists in All That Is. What is the Essence of Water?

Our final class in this series is to awaken the Indigenous Ancestral Memory and Wisdom in us all. Selina takes us back into Deeper Alignment for a transformational, ancient ancestral connection. Before colonization our relationship with Trees and Earth Mother was pure and strong. We journey back to a time of beauty, when love was overflowing in all. We return to this love that we bring through now, in this time we are in.

“I am so grateful that Nukumi Grandmother Selina took me into her spiritual arms and helped me to heal.” from an apprentice healer

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Gender Fluid, Nonbinary, Queer

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