“Wherever you live, when you speak of feeling shame because of some of the stories or history of your ancestors, know that all ancestors have suffered and been violated and been wounded. And there are many whose ancestors have done harm. That is so.

Focus on those that you are to connect with, who are here to help with the healing of whatever harm may have been done, including harm that some people of their lineage have done. If you're carrying that woundedness or guilt in your heart, they can help with that. We are connecting with those Ancestral Ones who precede suffering and conflict here upon the earth.

We're going to go to those that have risen beyond that, and perhaps healed whatever woundedness was in them to now be able to serve. We're going far back as is needed in your each of your lineages for you to access those Ancestral Ones.

When we wish to connect with our guides, we use specific words.

To my family that loves me the most, to the Ancestor Elders that love me the most, that are ready to guide me, I call upon you in my highest good, in your highest good, in the highest and greatest good of the earth, and in the highest and greatest good for all that is. Those words will go out across the realms of the earth and beyond, filled with love. Love is a great connector.
Nukumi Selina Mu, from week 4 of Earth Mother Is Calling

As I reflect each week after these wisdom teachings with Nukumi Selina, I realize that as deep as my love is with nature, I have missed so much. I grew up without much guidance and it literally never occurred to me that I could ask for and receive the blessing of connection with Earth Mother and Ancestor Elders.

An effect of trauma is that we feel disconnected. It is too hard to be present so we “go somewhere else” in a flight response, or we stumble through life in the numbness of a freeze response. We can change this.

Nukumi Selina opened a doorway for an ongoing practice of connection.

These are a few I have been working with: Blessing The Water In My Body, Let Nature Help You With Despair, Release Your Burdens, and Not Knowing My Roots I Belonged To The Forest I Lived Near.

This week Nukumi focused on connecting with and inviting our Ancestor Elders to help and guide us. Just as I experienced a lack of interest from my parents, Just as I experienced a lack of interest from my parents, I’ve always felt a lack of connection when working with my own ancestral lineage - parents and grandparents. I feel closer to my 7 times great grandparents who left Scotland  and came to Nova Scotia when the British were destroying the clan system in the 1770’s.

As a child, one of my grandmothers instilled in us a sense of pride in our Fraser heritage. Learning about colonialism, it’s not as simple as it seemed then. Nukumi addresses our complicated lineages directly and with compassion.

Something opened in me when she led us to connect with the Ancestors of the land we live on now. Here in Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia), these Ancestors are Mi’kmaq. Where I was born and lived as a child in Saskatchewan, the Ancestors of that land were Cree. In the Scottish highlands, the Ancestors of that land were Celts and Druids. I can feel that in my bones as I sense into those connections.

You can connect with Nukumi Selina through her website WhiteTurtleMedicineLodge.com. She offers a free Wisdom Talk to explore if you might like to work with her.

Join us online on Yoga Farm for a 4 week class beginning Monday September 9th. Mother Earth Is Calling

I am so happy and grateful to receive the blessings of these deep teachings over this past four weeks. It has and will continue to deepen my appreciation and relationship with Earth Mother, Elder Trees, the Waters, and Ancestor Elders from times past.


This Sunday August 18th, we are having informal discussion time in our Sunday free community class. You are most welcome to join us! I would love to hear what is stirring in you from our recent explorations with Prentis Hemphill and Nukumi Selina or anything else that you wish to share. How are the Sunday classes going for you? What would you like to see going forward? Let’s connect. Link for details.


Connecting in Community


Water Blessings