Radical Recovery Summit
2024 was our seventh year of innovation in healing trauma and addiction recovery through a social justice lens.
Watch now and share with your friends.
Embodied Joy and Connection
Each January for seven years, I’ve aired the Radical Recovery Summit. I love talking with people about their work and passions. In past years, interviewing and editing has filled my schedule through the fall into January and I’m enjoying the space this year. My sense is that talking with change makers will evolve into a podcast this year. Stay tuned.
Click here for our 2024 interviews!
Akilah S Richards: Connection and Rehumanizing
Prentis Hemphill: Embodied Healing
Sah d'Simone: Somatic Activated Healing
April Hubbard: Artist and Activist
Erica Hornthal: Movement Therapy
Fotini Chandrika: Horse Wisdom for Healing
Dr Fyre Jean Graveline: LIFE as Medicine
Pandit Dr Hari Shankar Dabral: Meditation
Marie & Meaghan Wright: Mirror Image Media
Pamela Madsen: Sex & Somatic Wellness
Robert Litman: Breathable Body
In 2024, we are exploring what lights us up!
Embodied Joy and Connection
We heal trauma by resourcing: we build resilience and strength in our nervous system through direct experience of safe enough connection with others AND by bringing in joy.
Dance, science, art, equine therapy, breath, volunteering, film, sexuality, meditation.
What brings you joy and connection?
Radical Recovery Summit is a free virtual summit held annually. Every year, The Radical Recovery Summit features innovators in the field of trauma and addiction recovery through a social justice lens.
We heal trauma and addiction by reducing: stress, core deficiency beliefs, harmful behaviors and substances, exposure to toxic relationships.
We heal trauma by stabilizing: breath, grounding and orienting practices, breaking the trance of catastrophic thinking.
What is the Radical Recovery Summit?
Every year, Lynn interviews leading innovators in the field of trauma and addiction recovery.
Previous feature in-depth interviews with innovators and thought leaders in the trauma and addiction recovery field include Prentis Hemphill (The Embodiment Institute), Dr Stephen Porges and Deb Dana (Polyvagal), Dr Gabor Maté (trauma and connection), Patricia Vickers (Indigenous Healing), Dr Diane Poole Heller (attachment), Justin Michael Williams (Stay Woke), Michelle C Johnson (Finding Refuge), Dr Rick Hanson (Buddha's Brain), Resmaa Menakem (My Grandmother's Hands) and Scott Kiloby (Kiloby Center for Recovery)