Sunday Free Community Class

The closeness of community and sharing are ongoing.

The topics change each week.

Free online Sundays 10-11:10AM Eastern

By signing up for this, you receive a reminder email Sunday morning with the Topic and the link, plus a Resources email mid week with the recordings. You also receive my regular Friday email.

Meeting ID: 838 1065 8978
Passcode: 879188

NEW LINK for Sunday class

The Many Kinds Of Strength

We have many kinds of strength, each a bit different.

Physical: we have enough physical capacity and strength for our life

Emotional: we have the toughness to be present and not escape

Courage to speak up: we are able to stand up for ourselves and others

Endurance: we can stay the course

Perseverance: we don't give up

Compassionate presence: we have the capacity to keep our heart open

How do you assess your strength and resilience? What are your criteria?

What are your personal strength levels lately? Do you feel you are a strong person? How does your strength vary day-to-day?

What activities, people, and practices support your strength and resilience?

What activities, people, and beliefs drain your strength?

Come into awareness of your strength and resilience. We don’t need to believe everything that comes into our mind, especially when it saps our strength. Many limiting thoughts come from conditioning about our value and they are not true. We contribute in many ways we may not be counting, and our value as a person is more than our job and service to others.

Review and reflect on the six kinds of strength from the top of this post for a more accurate assessment. Building and sustaining strength and resilience is a continuous journey of self-awareness, patience, and kindness.

As we begin 2025 in our Sunday free community class, we lead with a several week focus on strength and resilience. You are welcome to join us!

Our community class is free every Sunday because Stillpoint is committed to making healing and learning in community accessible to every single person.


Click here if you have the password

The public portion is available to everyone on my YouTube channel.



20 minutes: education and somatic inquiry

30 minutes: small groups sharing

20 minutes: sharing in main group with reflection by Lynn


We use words to express ourselves and with practice we become more skilled at staying present in our body and not getting so wrapped up in thought.

We practice listening without resistance and judgment. We keep our focus internal and we notice thoughts and energy in our body.

Sunday Community Class Norms

Donations Welcome

I don’t pay a fee if you send through Zelle or E-Transfer to

I look forward to connecting with my chosen family every week in Lynn’s Sunday community class.

We reflect and share with people we can trust to listen.

It feels safe to share who I am.


Every Sunday at 10am Eastern Time

“Fast forward 30 years from when I first learned meditation in the early nineties. I see and love myself. I am authentic and connect deeply. My body is relaxed and a known space.

Trauma is largely healed and resolved. I am mostly free of reactivity and I have skills to work with thoughts and sensation. I know from experience I can be with whatever is arising in this space and time. I feel, at 71, that I am now an emotionally mature adult.” Lynn Fraser