My Friends, the Trees

We’ve been exploring human friendships the last few weeks. Friends we can relax with and be ourselves are a treasure. People are one source of connection and friendship as are other mammals, like dogs, cats and horses. I was recently doing a practice with Earthkeeper Nukumi Selina where she asked us to bring to mind a favorite tree.

What are your memories of trees? These are some of my favorites.

I grew up on the prairies in western Canada. I would ride my bicycle to the edge of town and lay in the grass looking up through the poplar tree leaves to the brilliant blue sky. I felt held by the ground and safe in the trees.

I discovered the lush stillness of Cathedral Grove on Vancouver Island in my thirties on a road trip to Tofino. Decades later I meditated with a dear friend in the Avatar Grove of ancient forest.

On trips to California I sat for hours in the Redwoods, sensing into the life below ground and the magnificence above. I read that the network of roots is as wide as the height of the trees. Many of these trees were alive before colonization.

On my trip to India in the nineties, I was up in the Himalayas where I meditated in the forest with my back resting on a magnificent tree, aligning the kundalini energy in my spine and the energy of the tree.

I now live in a forest in Nova Scotia, not in the magnificence of 300 foot tall trees, and appreciating the aliveness of each tree. I have some favorites where I hang out now, leaning into their support.

I feel at home with some people, my dog Shantih, and my friends the trees.

In our Sunday free community class this week we’re continuing our journey into friendship. Details here.


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Social Anxiety and Shame