Fitting In Is For Sardines

there will only be one you    your life is a singular event

you are the rarest wonder the universe will ever know

your life is a song that will only be sung once

every breath you take makes history 

don’t chase the fake rainbow of comparison

you won’t find any gold there

because it turns out you are already golden

my love, be unashamedly yourself

don’t clone your life       own your life

John Roedel Poet. Writer. Comic. Storyteller. Terrible Dancer.

This week on our theme of belonging, we’re working with the poetry of John Roedel.

you weren’t plucked from nothingness to simply fit in

you were created to make us gasp ~ 

seduce us with your strangeness

wear your authenticity like lingerie

quit pretending to be so khaki
while you are covered in so many watercolors

continue being weird my beautiful weirdo 

remember  remember  remember

fitting in is for sardines

every  morning I have a blind date with my body

who is this person sitting across from me in the mirror?

how can I open my heart to this imperfect human who is staring back at me?

the secret to any great relationship is to let them see you as you really are ~ in order to feel at home in your skin you must learn to be yourself with yourself

all first dates are awkward ~ be patient with yourself as you get to know the person in the mirror

I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look the next time I see you, radiating under the glow of your raw ever-changing authenticity

I keep leaving home as who I was and returning as who I need to be next

You must learn to be yourself with yourself

~be kind to me ~ be soft with me ~ be careful with me ~ be merciful with me ~ be present with me ~ be sweet with me ~ be compassionate with me ~ 

Were we born to keep unfolding like an endless map?

Every time you open your mouth and sing, you escape the prison that you thought you would never leave ~ you just needed to find your voice

I didn’t feel broken, I just felt miscast for the role I had been given to play

Don’t live someone else’s life. Time is short.

This week in our Sunday free community class we’re reading John Roedel’s thoughtful inspiring poetry. Details and link are here.


Remembering Ourselves Home


True Belonging