When crisis hits, a self-paced course.

Practice effective, science-backed mindfulness practices to calm your nervous system, self-regulate emotions and recover

Understand what happens in your body, brain and nervous system after a shock

Our lives can change in a moment. A tragic accident. An illness. Loss of a job or relationship. We respond in predictable ways as we assimilate the shock to our system and come to terms with our new reality.

Understand the basics of how we are affected by a crisis and what supports healing. I have recovered from PTSD and I have taught thousands of people to meditate and heal from trauma. It is possible and I can help you too.

I know it is possible for you to heal.

Section One: Understanding Shock or Crisis Trauma

Introduction: Healing Shock or Crisis Trauma

Understanding the Basics of Healing Crisis Trauma

Healing Trauma is Somatic (in the body)

Emotions Feelings and Sensations

Tools Practices and Post Traumatic Growth

Section Two: Practices for Healing and Growth

What Does the Heart Know?

Stay With and Mine Your Feelings

Cyclic Sighing for a Quick Reset

Catastrophic Thinking: Tapping and Tracing to Release

Nervous System Relaxation and Inquiry